Mountains of Fire – Kenneth Pottie brings History Alive with Fervor, Passion & Excitement at a Super Fast Pace. Sonny is still alive and so is Chantelle! This book is a revolutionary story of how timelines continue to affect our lives long after the protagonists have gone. This book is the History of the most written about period of Human Existence brought alive. After reading ‘Code Name Sonny”, I could hardly wait a moment to turn the pages of this amazing sequel, and boy, did I get my money’s worth! K E Pottie has woven a tale with roots going back to that dark and virtually unknown period of WWII which no one has ever written about. To avoid spoilers is difficult while reviewing this book because one virtually feels like blurting out all its numerous secrets with every line one writes!
This is a story of great adventure and survival in a deadly environment where anyone who hesitated even a moment in the race for surviving the darkness of Hitlers world war II canvass, will perish. It is a story of courage, great love and heroism – a page turner. The author has intertwined the timelines from the present day to the past with great skill and produced a masterpiece which will surely enter the annals of history as path breaking. I have no hesitation in awarding this fine novel a resounding 5 Star and recommend it as one of the essential readings of any person old or young.