For those who fell under the spell of CODE NAME SONNY be alerted to the fact that the second volume in this series, MOUNTAIN OF FIRE, is every bit as good, and if that first book is still in your memory back (which doubtless it is) then this novel has the same sense of watching a special series like HOMELAND or NEWSROOM on television. That may be a poor comparison for some – reading is always a better pastime than passively watching a TV drama – but the idea comes across. Author K.E. Pottie knows how to create and build suspense and thrills that makes the decision to put the book down once started a challenging one!
Where Pottie learned his skills as a writer is not evident from his resume: his knowledge of military history and the interstice of espionage within resistance groups is understandable in that spent 13 years in military service in the Army, leaving at the rank of Major. During that time, Ken served as a company commander during Desert Shield and Desert Storm, earned the Bronze Star, Kuwait Liberation Medal and Combat Air Medal. The rest comes naturally.